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As the mining industry pivots towards a fully electric future to meet 2050 net-zero targets, alternative technologies like hydrogen are also being explored for their potential benefits. Despite its higher costs, hydrogen offers a promising solution for heavy-duty applications, providing long range and rapid refueling capabilities that electric solutions may struggle to match.

Over the past decade, advancements in hydrogen fuel cell technology have demonstrated increased efficiency and reliability, making it a viable option for sustainable mining operations. The NHL NTH150 Hydrogen Mining Truck exemplifies this shift, showcasing innovative hydrogen solutions designed to revolutionise mining while reducing environmental impact.

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Key Features of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Haul Truck

Fuel Cell Power

The NTH150 is equipped with 17 hydrogen fuel cells, each delivering 90 kWh of energy, for a total of 1,560 kWh. This setup provides clean power suited for demanding mining operations. Hydrogen is stored in a gaseous state at high pressure, offering an efficient energy solution with extended operational range and quick refueling capabilities—ideal for heavy-duty, continuous-use scenarios where traditional electric solutions may be limited.

Advanced Drive and Component Integration

The truck utilises an integrated AC electric drive system, optimising energy use and performance. This ensures durability, stability, and high-efficiency energy distribution across all operational functions, even in extreme mining conditions. Built to operate reliably in high and low altitudes and endure inhospitable weather—such as dust storms, heavy rain, strong winds, and temperatures as low as -25°C—the NTH150 is engineered for dependable performance in every environment.

Performance and Sustainability Benefits

Designed with a zero-emissions goal, the NTH150 is projected to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, cutting annual emissions by approximately 1,815 tonnes, equivalent to the emissions produced by around 600 passenger cars. This reduction is crucial for meeting national strategic objectives for environmental sustainability in the mining sector. The truck's integrated AC electric drive system also optimises performance and energy efficiency.

Bill of Materials

Alta supplied numerous components in the NTH150, including:

  • Power battery box
  • Hydrogen fuel cell system
  • Converter cabinet (main and auxiliary integrated)
  • Traction motor and wheel reductor
  • Braking resistor box
  • Auxiliary machine/auxiliary system
  • 24V low-voltage circuit

Alta's Role & Future Implications

Alta is actively involved in trialing the HSG8000 within the NTH150 hydrogen haul truck, demonstrating our commitment to innovation and decarbonisation in the mining sector. By developing and testing integrated systems for hydrogen-powered trucks, Alta is helping to establish new standards for performance and sustainability. This initiative aims to prove the feasibility of hydrogen technology, encouraging further research and development that can reduce costs and support a larger shift towards scalable, sustainable energy solutions across the industry worldwide.