Hybrid Retrofits and the step to net zero 2050


Ryan Walker

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NTH260: Hybrid Retrofits and the step to net zero 2050

The road to trolley/battery electric haul fleets is a challenging one requiring detailed planning, operational change and technological advancement (and a lot of investment).

However, as 2030 targets approach- steps need to be taken across the industry to prepare for the intense implementation of carbon reduction technology across the mine site. In mining, where productivity is both optimised and requires stability- the selection of decarbonisation strategy is of paramount importance, made no easier due to the following constraints:

1. The supply issue of electric haul trucks

To completely electrify the entirety of Australia's haul truck fleet by 2050, miners would need to begin purchasing 50 electric haul trucks every month starting today.

2. Current fleets still have long asset lives

More than 50% of trucks have 10+ years of life left - presenting a large waste of capital if these fleets must be dumped for more carbon effective vehicles.

3. Full electrification requires large operational shifts

Mines are designed to cost effectively ensure constant operation - with truck routes, down time and the labour force deployed to optimise for production. To ensure production continues in a battery electric world, operations will need to be designed and adapted.

4. Trolley systems and charging infrastructure is expensive

Particularly given that charging infrastructure is most efficient when it is embedded within mine planning at the start of mines, miners need to assess the budget for these electric solutions.

5. Hydrogen while technically feasible, is exposed to costs

Currently, the prices of hydrogen are currently exorbitantly higher than diesel per kWh.

This leaves a requirement for modifying the diesel use of today's fleet in a way that does not impact current operations. Hybridisation has emerged as a practical, cost effective step to achieving up to 30% reduction in diesel fuel usage before 2030.

alta's Hybrid Solution

It is important to note that to maximise the cost and fuel efficiency of these modifications, different designs will be best for different use cases. While alta's solution is modular, there are several options that can be implemented on a hybrid truck, each with differing levels of cost, decarbonisation outcomes and degree of modification:

1. Regenerative Braking Kit

Adding alta's HSG8000 + LTO batteries, trucks can achieve ~10% fuel savings. See alta's Komatsu 930E modification